all postcodes in M2 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M2 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M2 5HX 9 9 53.479509 -2.247494
M2 5AS 3 1 53.479941 -2.247165
M2 5BE 1 1 53.478971 -2.246813
M2 5BG 1 1 53.478199 -2.247097
M2 5BP 1 0 53.479961 -2.246881
M2 5EB 4 2 53.479558 -2.246276
M2 5WQ 3 3 53.47858 -2.245457
M2 5FA 1 1 53.478084 -2.245708
M2 5GB 7 7 53.478164 -2.24684
M2 5GP 8 8 53.477953 -2.247892
M2 5GU 3 3 53.478652 -2.248815
M2 5HD 2 2 53.479235 -2.246184
M2 5HS 7 7 53.479456 -2.247827
M2 5HT 3 3 53.479294 -2.247011
M2 5JB 7 7 53.479518 -2.248265
M2 5JJ 1 1 53.479439 -2.24727
M2 5LE 1 1 53.479207 -2.246379
M2 5QR 11 10 53.478384 -2.248876
M2 5LN 1 1 53.479548 -2.246698
M2 5ND 5 3 53.479169 -2.247555